Have you ever felt that rare, precious moment when everything seems to fall into place—when your body, breath, and mind move in perfect harmony, as if the universe itself is holding you in balance? Interestingly, January 2025 brought a celestial reminder of this idea—a rare planetary alignment where Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn aligned in the night sky.
I’ll never forget the first time this clicked for me. It wasn’t in a studio or during a perfectly executed asana but during a quiet, unhurried home practice. I was moving slowly, with no agenda, when suddenly, I felt it: a flow that was bigger than me. My posture felt light, my breath steady, and my mind calm. My posture felt light, my breath steady, and my mind calm. That fleeting moment planted a seed of curiosity—a longing to understand and embody alignment in all its forms.
When I think of the cycles in nature like the seasons, phases of the moon, or the tides of the ocean, these natural patterns offer profound lessons that mirror our yoga practice and inner journey.
Cosmic phenomena (planetary alignment, eclipses, comets...etc) have always been revered as symbols of unity, rhythm, and interconnectedness, reflecting the principles of yoga. This sense of harmony is not just personal; it reflects the greater rhythms of nature and the universe. Much like these phenomena, yoga invites us to explore alignment on three levels: physical, internal, and cosmic. By understanding these layers, we can deepen our practice and reconnect with the larger rhythms of life.
It’s not about perfection or getting everything “right” but about finding small, meaningful moments where the body and mind feel in harmony. This approach brings depth to the practice, helping us move beyond mechanics and connect with something deeper. Let’s explore how these layers of alignment work together to enrich our practice and life.
Physical Alignment: The Foundation
Let’s start with the body because it’s where most of us first experience alignment. Physical alignment is about positioning ourselves in a way that supports strength, stability, and ease. It’s the way we engage muscles, align our joints, and balance effort with surrender. It’s not about forcing ourselves into perfect poses but discovering what feels right in our bodies today—because tomorrow, it might be different.
Consider Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutations) - each repetition refines our alignment, strengthens our bodies, and enhances our awareness of how we move. Over time, these sequences become a moving meditation, much like the cycles of nature.
But alignment isn’t limited to the mat. It’s in how we sit at our desks, carry groceries, or even stand in line. It’s about creating balance in how we move through the world, honoring the body’s needs while building a foundation for deeper practices.
Internal Alignment: The Heart of the Practice

As we deepen our practice, we realize yoga isn’t just about physical movement—it’s about syncing the body, breath, and mind. This concept, rooted in Ashtanga Yoga’s Tristhana (breath, posture, and focus), becomes the gateway to internal alignment.

Breath, in particular, anchors us. Each inhale nourishes; each exhale releases. This rhythm mirrors the tides of the ocean, which rise and fall in a steady dance. Similarly, your breath connects you to a greater rhythm, grounding you in the present moment and aligning you with the flow of life.
The Eight Limbs of Ashtanga Yoga:

To truly embody internal alignment, the Eight Limbs of Yoga, as outlined by Patanjali, serve as a guide:
Yama: Ethical principles (e.g., non-violence, truthfulness).
Niyama: Personal practices (e.g., self-discipline, contentment).
Asana: The physical postures.
Pranayama: Breath control.
Pratyahara: Turning inward by withdrawing from distractions.
Dharana: Cultivating focus.
Dhyana: Meditation.
Samadhi: A state of deep connection or oneness.
Through this lens, yoga becomes a tool for navigating life’s chaos. Internal alignment helps us pause before reacting, breathe through challenges, and approach each moment with intention and clarity. It guides practitioners towards a deeper understanding of themselves and their connection to the universe. These principles remind us that alignment extends beyond the mat. It’s a way of living with intention and harmony.
Cosmic Alignment: The Bigger Picture
Beyond the personal and internal lies the cosmic—the recognition that we are part of something vast and interconnected. The universe’s rhythms, like the cycles of the moon or the turning of the earth, offer wisdom for our practice and our lives.
Consider the moon’s phases, from new to full and back again. These cycles reflect our inner journey in Ashtanga: moments of ease and challenge, reflection and breakthrough. In the Ashtanga tradition, we honor these rhythms with rest days on new and full moons and “ladies’ holidays” during menstrual cycles. These practices respect the body’s natural rhythms and foster a deeper connection to oneself.
Similarly, the earth’s rotation, bringing day and night, mirrors the balance we seek in our practice. Just as the planet alternates between effort and rest, our practice teaches us to honor both the light and dark within ourselves.
And then there’s the vastness of the universe itself. Galaxies spin in a cosmic dance, reminding us of our place within the grander scheme of things. The repetitive nature of Ashtanga serves as a telescope, focusing our awareness on the inner universe. Each sequence, each challenging pose, helps us explore deeper layers of ourselves, revealing strength, humility, and connection.
Alignment with the cosmos is the most expansive form of alignment. It’s about understanding that we are part of a greater whole, that our individual actions ripple outward and contribute to the larger flow of life. It’s in the way we care for the earth, show kindness to a stranger, or pause to marvel at a sunset. It’s in recognizing that our individual actions ripple outward, shaping the world around us.
Yoga in Action: Bringing Alignment Off the Mat
Pause for a moment to reflect on how your practice echoes the rhythms of nature and the cosmos. Like the cycles of the moon or the changing tides, alignment isn’t static—it evolves with time, awareness, and consistency.
But what does alignment look like beyond the mat? Here’s how the three layers—physical, internal, and cosmic—intertwine to bring yoga into daily life:
In Conversations: When your body is grounded (steady posture), your breath is calm, and your mind is present, you create space for true connection. This alignment fosters active listening and meaningful exchanges.
In Decision-Making: Internal alignment encourages you to pause, breathe, and assess before acting. By staying in tune with your values and the bigger picture, your decisions can be intentional and authentic.
In Daily Routines: Whether it’s choosing nourishing foods, practicing eco-conscious habits, or carving out time for stillness, these actions reflect harmony with yourself, your surroundings, and the greater world.
Through these small, mindful actions, alignment transforms from something we practice on the mat into a way of living with awareness and purpose.
Union: The Essence of Yoga
At its core, yoga is about union and orignates from the word yuj. The word itself means “to join” or “to unite.” It’s about aligning the physical, the internal, and the cosmic into one harmonious flow. And while perfection is never the goal, these moments of alignment—on the mat and in life—remind us of our deep connection to ourselves and the world around us.
Yoga is not just a practice; it is a way of being. It’s a lifelong journey of aligning with ourselves and the world around us. And when we align physically, internally, and with the cosmos, we discover a profound sense of peace, purpose, and belonging.
Next time you step onto your mat, imagine yourself as part of this grand cosmic dance. Feel the rhythm of nature, the breath of the universe, and the cycles of the moon guiding you. Trust in the power of repetition to illuminate your path, much like the patterns of the cosmos bring balance and harmony to the universe.
And the beauty of this journey is that it meets us where we are. Some days, alignment feels effortless; other days, it’s a challenge. But each moment on the mat—whether in a posture, a breath, or a pause—is an invitation to reconnect with ourselves and the world around us.
So, how are you aligning with yourself, your practice, and the world today?
Join the Journey
If this resonates with you, I’d love to support you in exploring alignment in your practice and life. Through my classes, we’ll dive into the layers of alignment, uncovering the connection between body, mind, and cosmos. Whether you’re just beginning or deepening your journey, there’s a space for you here.
Let’s explore it together, one breath at a time. Come as you are.
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See you on the mat! Enjoy the practice.