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Yoga class etiquette & guidelines

Follow these simple steps

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1. Turn off your gadgets / minimize distractions

This is your time to disconnect with the outside and connect with yourself. Inform your co-inhabitants not to disturb you. 

Turn off your gadgets / simply don’t bring it into the room! Of course, if you’re in a setting with lots of foot traffic or if theft is an issue, you may carry it (along with your wallet and other valuables) into the practice space. But turn it off. Not to vibrate… OFF!

If you are attending online classes on your phone, please turn on Do Not Disturb mode to ensure you are not distrubed by phone calls/texts during class. Ensure your device has been charged enough to make it through the entire class. 

2. Arrive/Log-in 5-10 minutes early

This allows plenty of time to settle in, get centered, and prepare for practice.

Online classes: Set up your camera in a way that your whole mat is visible. I should be able to see you head to toe when you stand. Mute your microphone unless it is a 1x1 session / you have a question.
In-person classes: Unroll your mat quietly, so as not to disturb others if you are in a group setting.
Check in with your mood and begin to let go of outside thoughts and concerns.

3. Practice Cleanliness

Apply the yogic principle of Saucha, which means "cleanliness" or "purity." Personal hygiene is an integral part of practicing yoga. Ensure that you, your clothes and your mat are clean before practice. Further, avoid heavy fragrances as they may be distracting. 

4. Respect the Teacher's sequencing

Don’t do your own routine, follow the teacher's instructions & verbal cues. Let your teacher know about any injuries or conditions that might affect your practice. You will be provided with appropriate modifications. It is important to disclose if you are pregnant (even in your first trimester). Otherwise, do not add to or skip poses in the sequence. Trust the process.

5. Don't try to impress anyone

Yoga is a practice, not a competition. Poses aren't prizes and there are no prizes for poses. Your practice will be different every single day. If you reach the full expression of a pose, acknowledge it to yourself, but do not seek rewards for your effort. Attain what you can during your practice, then let it go.

6. Eat 2 hours before practice

Have a full and nutritious meal 2 hours before your yoga class. If you are eating within 2 hours of class, choose a light and healthy snack. Avoid spicy, pungent, & heavy food as it could make you uneasy during practice. Give yourself enough time to digest your last meal before you practice & also empty your bladder and bowels if possible. 

If you tend to feel hungry easily, you can have a small & light snack (fruit/juice/nuts/dry fruits)  45-30 min before practice. Avoid excess caffeine.

7. Honor your limits

For your safety, as well as respect for the teacher do not attempt something that is beyond your current level. Work from where you are, not where you think you should be. Never force to hold or attain a pose. Ask for modifications and practice your moves with control.
Remember, it's called practice for a reason and there are no prizes for poses. 

8. Respect the space

Your practice space is sacred. If you practice at home, choose a space that is clean, has enough room for you to move, is free of distractions, has enough ventilation and natural light if possible. Practice in the same space every time.  Observe silence before, during, and after practice.
If  in an in-person group setting, allow room for other students to come in.

Ashtanga is a quiet practice so we do not play music and keep the talking to a bare minimum. Refrain from unnecessary talking, grunts, and moans. Do not chew gum — it’s distracting and unsafe. 

9. Avoid drinking water during practice

Keep hydrated before class (and always!) and drink as much as you’d like to after. This preparation, so to speak, should keep you content through your classes. If you feel super parched and even light headed, take a little breather with a sip of water, but recognize exactly how much you’re drinking. 

10. Keep it simple

Remember that everyone is human (even yoga teachers!). Everybody makes mistakes sometimes. Learning from experience is part of the process of yoga!
Do your best & you will be benefited by your practice in many ways. 

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